Genealogist's Code of Ethics
- That I will treat with the greatest care and respect all public records and library books which may be available for my use.
- That I will speak with courtesy to all employees of a vital records office, or of a public library, when requesting to see any vital records or library book, and when finished with such record or book, I shall express my thanks to the person attending to my request.
- That I will not tear, erase or remove any public record or library book, and will refrain from mutilating, defacing or otherwise destroying any part of such public record or library book.
- That when I have finished viewing any public record or library book, I will return it to the proper or designated place.
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Green County & The Civil War
The following articles about Green County & the Civil War were provided by Christine Spencer. These articles cover the time period from 1861 to October 1862. The link for the Roster of Wisconsin Volunteers at the end of Introduction to Green County and The Civil War is no longer current. The correct link is below. In Captain Jackson's Company and Captain Pinney's Company the links for are not working. None of the links in Captain Martin Flood are working.