Publications For Sale
To place an order, call GCGS.
Available for purchase at the Research Center
1852 Militia Lists - Book
Transcriptions of the 1852 militia lists for Adams, Cadiz, Clarno, Decatur, Exeter, Jordan, Mount Pleasant, Spring Grove, Washington, and York Townships. Also one for 1854 Cadiz Township. |
Naturalization Book 1 - CD only
Alphabetical listing of Declaration of Intent from about 1840 thru mid 1940s. It also includes the date of Naturalization for some records. The actual records are found at the Research Center in Platteville, WI. |
1873 Green County Atlas with Index - CD or Book
1877 History of Green County, WI - Book
Reprint of 310 pages of the original book by Helen Bingham. Complete with index of just under 4300 names. Index includes Civil War Roster for Green County. Very good background on some of the families in the area and on the formation of the townships. |
1884 Green County History - CD only
In PDF format and completely searchable. |
1885 Monroe City Directory - CD or Book
Directory of persons and businesses in Monroe in 1885 |
1913 Commemorative History of Green County - Biographies & Histories - Spiral Bound Book Vol 1
A complete index to most of the biographies in the 1913 Commemorative History of Green County. Volume 1 of a two volume reprint. This item is for the individual Volume 1. |
Vol 1
$30.00 |
1913 Commemorative History of Green County - Bipgraphies & Histories - Sprial Bound Book Vol 2
A complete index to most of the biographies in the 1913 Commemorative History of Green County. Volume 2 of a two volume reprint with biographical index of Volume 2. This item is for the individual Volume 2. |
Vol 2
$30.00 |
1918 Atlas of Green County
Prairie Farmer's Reliable Directory of Farmers and Breeders of Green County, WI 1919
Spiral Bound Book Reprint of the original listing of names, addresses, spouse, children and other pertinent facts. |
Juda Facts and Photos by Ferne Bridge - Book
Reprinted from original 1975 version. Includes index. |
Cemetery Publications
Adams Township Cemeteries - CD
Adams Township Cemeteries - Book
Albany Township Cemeteries - CD
Albany Township Cemeteries - Book
Cadiz Township Cemeteries, Revised Edition 2013 - CD or Book
Calvary, Old Calvary & Poor Farm Cemeteries - CD
These cemeteries located in Monroe, WI |
Calvary, Old Calvary & Poor Farm Cemeteries - Book
These cemeteries located in Monroe, WI |
Clarno Cemetery Transcriptions - CD or Book
Greenwood Cemetery Inscriptions - Brodhead - CD
Greenwood Cemetery Inscriptions - Brodhead - Book
Greenwood Cemetery Inscriptions - Monroe - CD
Greenwood Cemetery Inscriptions - Monroe - Book
Lewis & Jordan Cemeteries - CD or Book
Monroe & Washington Township Cemeteries Transcriptions - CD or Book
Mt. Hope Cemetery Photos - CD
Spring Grove Township |
Mt. Hope Cemetery Photos - Book
Spring Grove Township |
Mt. Pleasant Township Cemeteries - CD
Highland, Zwingli, Truax, Trumpy |
Mt. Pleasant Township Cemeteries - Book
Highland, Zwingli, Truax, Tumpy |
Mt. Vernon Cemetery - CD
Juda, WI |
Mt. Vernon Cemetery - Book
Juda, WI |
Spring Grove Cemeteries Transcriptions - CD or Book
Spring Grove Township Cemeteries Photos - CD
Spring Grove Township Cemeteries Photos - Book
Twin Grove Cemetery Photos - CD
Jefferson Township |
Twin Grove Cemetery Photos - Book
Jefferson Township |
Union/Oakley Cemetery Photos - CD
Union/Oakley Cemetery Photos - Book
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925 16th Ave
Monroe, WI 53566
925 16th Ave
Monroe, WI 53566
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