NEW! Payment can now be made by credit card.
General Information
The volunteer research staff of the GCGS Library Research Center perform research on a first come, first serve basis. All research is conducted on an hourly fee basis after the first 1/2 hour plus copy costs. The revenues are used to support the nonprofit mission of the Green County Genealogical Society (preservation, education, publication and research). By providing information on your research project and clicking the SUBMIT button, below, yuour are agreeing to a minimum of one hour of research after the first 1/2 hour by the Research staff ($20). A Monroe Public Library search only is $10 per hour. Copy costs also apply. Payment may be made by credit card.
Special Notes
Our Research staff promises to apply their best efforts to your research, but we cannot promise what we will find. Your charges with reflect their time, regardless of results. By submitting your request you agree to pay our research fees regardless of research outcomes.
By submitting this request, you agree, without compensation, to share copyright to your commissioned research with us. This means that your agree to allow GCGS to retain, share and publish your research results at no charge. GCGS will never include names or vital statistics of living persons.
By submitting this request, you agree, without compensation, to share copyright to your commissioned research with us. This means that your agree to allow GCGS to retain, share and publish your research results at no charge. GCGS will never include names or vital statistics of living persons.