Monroe Township
The town of Monroe embraces congressional township 2 north, range 7 east, of the fourth principal meridian, except that portion which is included within the incorporated limits of the city of Monroe, which lies in the southeastern part of this town.
The first settlement was made in 1830. John B. SKINNER came for the purpose of mining. Several more were in the area by 1835 namely: Nicholas CORNELIUS, Hiram RUST, Richard PALMER, Joab ENOS, and George REEDER.
The first marriage took place in "Skinner's Diggings" in 1840 between a man named KENDRICK and a woman name ARMSTRONG.
The first deaths were CARR, who was eating eggs on a wager and ate so many they killed him, and BARTO who was an Italian jewelry peddler.
Cemeteries in the township were: Union on section 17 which is used as a general burying ground. The cemetery was laid out prior to 1849, that being the date of the first burial. Mrs. HALLOWAY was the first person buried there. The site was given by Henry ELEY and Mr. HALLOWAY.
Snyder cemetery is situated on the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 4 and consists of one acre. The land was donated by John SNYDER in 1861. The first burial was that of a Mr. FORSYTH.
Religions were United Brethren and Methodist Episcopal.
The first settlement was made in 1830. John B. SKINNER came for the purpose of mining. Several more were in the area by 1835 namely: Nicholas CORNELIUS, Hiram RUST, Richard PALMER, Joab ENOS, and George REEDER.
The first marriage took place in "Skinner's Diggings" in 1840 between a man named KENDRICK and a woman name ARMSTRONG.
The first deaths were CARR, who was eating eggs on a wager and ate so many they killed him, and BARTO who was an Italian jewelry peddler.
Cemeteries in the township were: Union on section 17 which is used as a general burying ground. The cemetery was laid out prior to 1849, that being the date of the first burial. Mrs. HALLOWAY was the first person buried there. The site was given by Henry ELEY and Mr. HALLOWAY.
Snyder cemetery is situated on the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 4 and consists of one acre. The land was donated by John SNYDER in 1861. The first burial was that of a Mr. FORSYTH.
Religions were United Brethren and Methodist Episcopal.
1860 Mortality Schedule (extracted from 1860 Federal Census for Green County, Wisconsin)
Names in the 1860 Mortality Schedule Download the file for more information
Sela Adair
Walter Bintliff
Norman Carter
Asher Grant
Ada J Mosher
Mandaner Atkins
William Bullock
Charles E Cronyville
Caroline Mack
Amelia Moyer
Catherine M Austin
Rebecca Bullock
Sarah Duff
John McCormick
W H Pugh
Mary Balsly
Wm Cackler
Nettie Gardner
Alice C Merill
Elizabeth Witter
Charles H Bennet
Rhodrick Cander
Marilla Gates
Howell Mitchell

1860 Monroe Township Mortality Schedule |